Congress Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Saturday joined the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra led by party MP Rahul Gandhi in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. While addressing the crowd the brother-sister duo slammed the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) over various issues, some of the top ones were the caste census and paper leaks in UP Police Constable Examinations.  


Taking a dig at the Modi government, Rahul Gandhi said that if the majority wants to have the caste census, then the first step after the election will be the caste census. “In this country there are 50% backwards, 15% minorities, 15% Dalit, and 8% Adivasi... How many of these are in media, none... You'll see them in the list of MGNREGA but not in the big companies,” Gandhi said, adding that 90% of people don't get any participation. 

Slamming PM Modi for his political tactics, Rahul said that the Modi government is distracting Indians by launching gimmicks like Bollywood and surgical strikes and ignoring crucial issues like unemployment, paper leaks, and the true well-being of the citizens. He said, “This is what the BJP system is.” He further added that patriots unite the country and do not work to disintegrate it (Deshbhakt mohabbat ki dukaan kholte hain, nafrat ke bazaar nahi chalaate).  

Meanwhile, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra took a shot at the rising unemployment rates under the BJP's rule. "As the BJP's government is formed in the centre and state, unemployment rates have increased," she asserted. She linked unemployment to a lack of facilities and persistent paper leaks, making it clear that development hinges on gainful employment. She said that the brass industry is stagnant, there is no development after the BJP’s rule.  

As the UP Police Constable examinations are scheduled for a re-examination, Priyanka Vadra said that “the 28 lakh students wrote the exam but the paper was leaked.” She said that until the paper leaks are stopped, there will be no development. She urged the voters to cast their votes based on their experiences.