Three people have been arrested for trying to honeytrap senior Rajasthan Minister Ram Lal Jat, Jodhpur police said today. The matter came to light after a model, who was allegedly blackmailed by the accused, attempted suicide by jumping from a hotel building in Jodhpur.  


"Two days ago, a woman attempted suicide by jumping from the top floor of a hotel. She's currently in hospital and undergoing treatment," Deputy Police Commissioner Bhuvan Bhushan Yadav said.

"The accused Akshit used to run a honey trap gang and was booked earlier also in a famous case. This time also he was planning to do this and blackmail that person (the minister) later," Yadav said.

Reacting on the matter, Rajasthan Minister Pratap Khachariyawas said that minister Ram Lal Jat has no fault in the matter.  

"Honey trap cases and conspiracies have been underway since the inception of dynasties," Khachariyawas said.

"Earlier, kings were killed in this way. So these conspiracies will happen in politics. But what can the minister do? He didn't know anything," Khachariyawas added.

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