A tragic road accident in Haryana's Hisar district on Saturday claimed the lives of at least four individuals. According to the report by IANS, the collision took place due to low visibility caused by dense fog that enveloped the region in the early hours. 


Both Punjab and Haryana have been experiencing thick fog for the past few days, resulting in dangerously reduced visibility. The fog blanketed the region on Friday, as temperatures hovered near normal levels. The meteorological department noted that the persistent fog was making travel hazardous, especially during the morning and night hours.

Previous Major Accident in Punjab

The Hisar accident occurred shortly after another major road mishap in Punjab on the Bathinda-Dabwali road, which was also caused by dense fog. A collision between a private passenger bus and a truck left at least 15 people injured.

Initial reports suggest that poor visibility combined with reckless driving by the truck driver, who was reportedly driving on the wrong side of the road, contributed to the crash. 

Flight and Train Disruptions Due to Fog in Delhi

The thick fog caused major delays at Indira Gandhi International Airport, where the Runway Visual Range (RVR) was recorded between 100-250 meters, leading to Category III conditions.

More than 400 flights were delayed on Friday, and several were diverted due to the fog. In addition, 81 trains were delayed as the dense fog hindered rail travel, further highlighting the severe impact of the weather conditions across the region.