Sometimes your business reaches the pinnacle of success, but suddenly something happens that turns everything upside down. This is often seen in Bollywood movies, but there are many stories in the world of business that can shock you. One such story is that of GP Global—a company that was established by a group of traders and was at the forefront of the oil trade, but then something happened that changed everything.


An Indian court auction for an arrested GP Global bunker tanker failed to attract an acceptable bid, while another ship of the marine fuel company was also arrested. Six bids for the 6,200-dwt bunker tanker GP B3 (built in 2010) were rejected in the court auction, and the High Court of Gujarat has ordered a new auction.

On September 9, the High Court of Gujarat approved a request by Singapore-based Celestial Ship Management to arrest the GP B3 bunker tanker due to non-payment of dues. A day earlier, the same court had granted a request from the National Bank of Fujairah (NBF) to arrest the same tanker after GP Global defaulted on a loan payment. According to court documents, Celestial claimed it was owed over $600,000, including interest and fees.

Celestial's directors, Prachi Goel and Swati Goel, are spouses of GP Global directors Prerit Goel and Manan Goel, and both companies share the same Singapore address. GP Global, a global supplier of marine fuels, declined to comment as the matter is still subjudice.

Celestial informed the court that it had repeatedly requested payment, with the last payment received in April 2019. Despite an agreement with the ship's owner not to cover vendor expenses, Celestial paid the vendors under pressure, according to court documents.

In July, GP Global began financial restructuring after losing support from some financial institutions and later revealed internal fraud, filing criminal complaints against certain employees.

The Catastrophic Fall of Prerit Goel: From Corporate Titan to Legal Pariah

Once celebrated as a key figure in the international oil and energy trade, Prerit Goel, Managing Director of GP Global, has now become synonymous with financial mismanagement, fraud, and deception. His spectacular rise to success in the global energy sector was ultimately overshadowed by an equally dramatic and devastating collapse. Once a hotshot across London, Dubai, and Singapore, Goel was a prominent member of the YPO (Young Presidents Organization) and had what was once a thriving empire, which has now disintegrated into legal battles, asset seizures, arrest warrants, and a tarnished reputation.

The Illusion of Success at GP Global

Under Goel's leadership, GP Global rapidly expanded its reach from its base in the UAE to markets across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. With operations in oil refining, bunkering, shipping, and trading, the company appeared to be an unstoppable force in the industry. Goel was seen as a visionary, driving innovation and expansion, enjoying the benefits of seemingly endless financial success. However, the company's foundation was shaky, propped up by questionable financial practices that would soon unravel.

Financial Mismanagement and Criminal Investigations

In 2020, the façade began to crumble. GP Global found itself unable to meet its financial obligations, defaulting on loans, and spiraling into insolvency. This led to a cascade of legal challenges as creditors, including major banks like Credit Suisse, moved swiftly to recover their losses. Multiple lawsuits were filed across jurisdictions, exposing Goel's intricate web of financial manipulations.

Internal investigations confirmed widespread fraud within GP Global. Criminal complaints were filed against employees, but it was clear that the issues extended far beyond just a few bad actors. Prerit Goel was not just an innocent bystander but an orchestrator of a carefully constructed house of cards.

Arrest Warrants in India

In India, arrest warrants were issued against Goel and other key figures, including his wife, Prachi Goel, who held directorial roles in related companies. Their assets were seized, and GP Global's ships were detained, sinking the family deeper into legal and financial chaos.

A Global Legal Tangle

In the UAE, Goel’s troubles multiplied. The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) court issued asset freezes and prohibited Goel from disposing of any assets unless they exceeded $95 million in value. These actions were taken to ensure that creditors, who lost millions due to GP Global’s fraud, could recover some of their claims. The proceedings were a sharp blow to Goel’s standing in the international financial community, further isolating him from potential allies.

In conclusion, Prerit Goel’s story serves as a stark reminder of how quickly ambition can turn into corruption, leading to the collapse of an empire built on lies and financial trickery.