New Delhi: A video on social media revealed an incident of a bus driver in Delhi who didn't stop for women passengers at a bus stop, because they would have benefited from the free travel provision. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday expressed his displeasure over this and ordered action against the driver. He also appealed to all drivers to comply with the rules and stop at all the designated stops. He instructed the transport minister to take necessary steps to ensure that such incidents do not recur in the future, a statement said. He also emphasised the urgent need for sensitisation of bus drivers to ensure the safety and convenience of all passengers, it added.


The statement said that the chief minister took swift action to address the matter as soon as he was notified of the incident. The bus driver involved in the incident was also immediately relieved of his duty, the statement said.

In an appeal to bus drivers in Delhi, Kejriwal called for their cooperation and urged them to stop at all the designated stops without fail. He recognised the pivotal role played by bus drivers in the daily lives of commuters, and stressed the importance of their adherence to guidelines and regulations.

"I appeal to my brothers and sisters who are operating our buses to stop the bus at the designated bus stand. There have been complaints that some bus drivers do not stop on seeing women. This is not right," the CM tweeted.

Transport Minister Gahlot called a departmental meeting aimed at sensitising bus drivers and other staff members. He also acknowledged previous complaints regarding buses not stopping when women were present, explaining that in those instances, action could not be taken as the Services Department was not under the government's jurisdiction.

However, after gaining control of Services, the government remains committed to addressing such issues promptly and effectively to ensure a positive commuting experience for all, he added. 

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"It has been confirmed that the bus driver responsible for the incident has been identified and removed from duty pending further investigation. A replacement driver has been assigned to the same bus. The government strongly condemns such behaviour and emphasises its complete unacceptability," Gahlot said.

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He appealed to bus passengers to capture and share videos if they witness any similar irregularities. Gahlot held a crucial meeting with senior officers of the Transport Department and the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) to discuss and resolve complaints regarding bus drivers failing to stop for women at bus stops.