New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday announced that he will travel accross the country to gain support for the Delhi government's fight against the Centre over an ordinance on the control of administrative services in the national capital. Taking to Twitter, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo said that he will meet presidents of all opposition political parties and seek their support. The Delhi CM will travel to Kolkata today to meet his West Bengal counterpart  Mamata Banerjee. Kejriwal and Mann are scheduled to land at Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport in the afternoon. They will hold a brief meeting with AAP leaders of West Bengal before visiting the state secretariat Nabanna to meet the Trinamool Congress chief.


"From today I am leaving across the country. For the rights of the people of Delhi. SC passed the order after years and did justice to the people of Delhi, gave them their rights. The central government took away all those rights by bringing an ordinance. When this law will come in the Rajya Sabha, it should not be allowed to pass under any circumstances. Will meet presidents of all political parties and seek their support," Kejriwal tweeted.

In a sepatate tweet, Kejriwal called it a fight to save the constitution of India. He said, "this fight is not only for the people of Delhi, he expects everyone to support in this."."

Kejriwal's Bid To Gain Oppn Support

Earlier, Kejriwal has met Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar over the ordinance issue and the latter has extended full support to AAP in its tussle with the Centre on the matter. The AAP chief may also meet Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Uddhav Thackeray and NCP leader Sharad Pawar on Wednesday in Mumbai.

The Centre promulgated an ordinance on Friday to create a National Capital Civil Service Authority for transfer of IAS and DANICS cadre officers and disciplinary proceedings against them.This came a week after the Supreme Court handed over the control of services, excluding those related to police, public order and land, to the elected government in Delhi.

An ordinance has to be ratified by Parliament within six months. For which, the Centre will have to bring a bill for its passage in both Houses of Parliament.