AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal interacted with the newly-elected party MLAs in Punjab today. Kejriwal, speaking to the MLAs, sent out the message that his MLAs must not indulge in unethical activities in their respective constituencies. Kejriwal said that MLAs must meet Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann in matters related to public welfare. "You should meet CM Mann Sahab for people's work," Kejriwal said, adding, "Don't come to Chief Minister to get a police official transferred. Earlier, MLAs used to get SPs/SSPs of their choices transferred in Punjab."


Kejriwal added that after these transfers, these people used to run a system of their own in their constituencies. The AAP chief warned his MLAs from indulging into such activities. "This (transfer) is not your concern, leave this job on the Chief Minister and Ministers," Kejriwal said.

He urged all AAP MLAs in Punjab to work with dedication and honesty, saying people have reposed their faith and now it is our responsibility to deliver goods.

"We have to work with full honesty," said Kejriwal as he reminded the MLAs that during the election campaign, he had said his party would give an honest government.

He also asked all the party MLAs to work as a team.

"We have to work as a team. If we work as a team, leave behind our personal ambitions, then Punjab will progress," said Kejriwal.

He asserted that Mann is a leader of the team.

Kejriwal also asked party leaders and volunteers to always be polite and not to be rude with people or use any objectionable language against anybody.

On Mann's announcement of launching an anti-corruption helpline number, Kejriwal said, "I will call it the anti-corruption action line. We are getting so many messages on social media about the impact it has already started to make."

The Aam Aadmi Party romped home with 92 seats in the 117-member Punjab assembly, decimating the Congress and the Shiromani Akali Dal-Bahujan Samaj Party combine, BJP-Punjab Lok Congress-SAD (Sanyukt).