Amid the ongoing probe and questioning by the Enforcement Directorate, Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren has registered a case against ED officials under the SC/ST Act. According to the police, Chief Minister Soren in his complaint said that his image has been maligned by ED officials. CM Soren said that ED officials reached his Delhi residence without any information and propagated false news. 


CM Soren also alleged that the officials tried to 'harass' and 'malign' him and his entire community. "I have come to learn from the reports in the electronic media that on 30th January 2024, the abovenamed persons have leaked selective misinformation that a blue BMW car seized from the said premises belongs to me huge sums of illicit cash belonging to me was found at the said premises. I am not the owner of the car of BMW which the abovenamed persons claim to have seized. I do not own any illicit cash," he added.

In recent developments, the Enforcement Directorate disclosed that it had seized Rs 36 lakh in cash and two cars during its search at Chief Minister Hemant Soren's residence. This information was shared by sources within the central agency on Tuesday. A team of ED officials today arrived at the residence of CM Soren in Ranchi and has been questioning him in connection with a money laundering case linked to an alleged land scam. On Monday night, officials from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) visited the national capital residence of Soren to interrogate him regarding an alleged land scam case. The ED officials reported that they were unable to locate the Jharkhand Chief Minister during their visit.

By filing the case, Hemant Soren is trying to make a political point that he is not guilty and is a victim of vendetta politics.

The ED had issued a fresh summons to Chief Minister Hemant Soren, directing him to appear for questioning on either January 29 or 31. It was tenth summons served to the Jharkhand Chief Minister by the ED. Intensive police deployment was observed around the Chief Minister's residence in Ranchi since this morning.

Simultaneously, supporters of the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) convened at Morabadi ground in protest against the actions undertaken by the ED.