The upcoming by-elections in Uttar Pradesh's 10 assembly seats have become a prestige battle for the BJP, especially in Ayodhya's Milkipur seat. The seat was earlier held by Samajwadi Party's Avdhesh Prasad, who defeated BJP's Lallu Singh in the Lok Sabha elections. After the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha program, the Milkipur seat has become a matter of prestige for the BJP. The party is leaving no stone unturned to win this seat and settle scores with the SP-led India alliance in UP.


Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is personally monitoring the situation and has been visiting Ayodhya frequently. He recently attended a Shiv Mandir Pran Pratishtha program on September 7.

However, the BJP's internal rifts have come to the fore once again. On Thursday, former MP Lallu Singh walked out of a press conference organized by the party's state general secretary, Sanjay Rai, in Ayodhya. Singh alleged that "mafia elements" were present on the stage and he couldn't share the platform with them.

Lallu Singh did not name anyone directly. But his was clearly refering to BJP leader Shivendra Singh, who was sitting on the dais. "Mafias were present on the stage and I can never associate myself with such elements," Singh told media persons. I have consistently fought against the mafia because they exploit and oppress society.’’

Notably, Shivendra Singh was booked for attempt to murder and under the Gangster Act and was lodged in Faizabad jail in the year 2018. He was later shifted to Barabanki jail. "Former MP Lallu Singh personally campaigned with notorious criminals and dreaded history-sheeters throughout his election which ultimately led to his defeat in the election," Shivendra Singh said.’’ 

Singh's outburst has left the party red-faced, especially since it's trying to project a united front in the upcoming elections. The party is already facing a tough challenge in the by-elections, and this internal rebellion has added to its woes.

BJP's Membership Drive and Upcoming Changes

The BJP is currently conducting a membership drive across the country, including in Uttar Pradesh. However, the party's internal sources reveal that major changes are expected after the drive is completed. Around 50 district and city presidents who failed to perform in the Lok Sabha elections will be replaced.

The changes will have a ripple effect from the district level to the top, and will be made after October 15. The party has divided the state into 98 organizational districts, and the changes will be made accordingly.

The rebellion in Ayodhya has added to the party's woes, just ahead of the crucial by-elections. The party is trying to keep its leaders in check and project a united front, but the internal rifts are becoming increasingly visible.