Jaipur: Amid an ongoing political crisis in Rajasthan, state minister Pratap Singh Khachariyawas alleged on Tuesday that the BJP has again started hatching a conspiracy to topple the Congress government. On the other hand, another minister, Rajendra Singh Gudha, once again endorsed senior Congress leader Sachin Pilot's name for the chief minister's post. "ED, income tax department, CBI officials are sitting in Rajasthan. BJP's game has started. BJP is again engaged in a conspiracy to topple the Rajasthan government," Khachariyawas told reporters in Jaipur. He said whatever decision the Congress high-command takes as regards the latest political developments in the state will be acceptable to all.


The Congress in Rajasthan plunged into a crisis on Sunday as several MLAs loyal to Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot resigned over a possible move to appoint Pilot as Gehlot's successor, their rebellion erupting just ahead of a Congress Legislature Party (CLP) meeting.

Upset over the open rebellion, Congress president Sonia Gandhi sought a written report on it from party observers Mallikarjun Kharge and Ajay Maken on Monday as the chances of Gehlot becoming the party chief receded and other names cropped up for the post. Khachariyawas said the views of the MLAs should be heard. 

Also Read: Amid crisis in Rajasthan Congress, Sachin Pilot arrives in Delhi

"We have faith in the party leadership. Every Congress worker in the country considers Sonia Gandhi like his mother. A mother always does justice," he added. Replying to a question on why the Gehlot loyalists held a parallel meeting instead of attending the CLP meet, Khachariyawas said they were not happy when they came to know that someone from the 19 people who had rebelled against Gehlot in 2020 was going to be the chief minister and they submitted their resignation to Assembly Speaker CP Joshi.

"Still, whatever our in-charge, leadership, Ashok Gehlotji will decide, we will accept," he added. The CLP meeting was to be held at the chief minister's residence on Sunday night but the MLAs loyal to Gehlot did not attend it. They held a parallel meeting at Parliamentary Affairs Minister Shanti Dhariwal's bungalow here and then went to meet the speaker to submit their resignation letters to him.