The farmers' protest that started to demand MSP for all crops has taken a violent turn in many places including the Shambhu border of Punjab and Haryana. While the farmers are planning to storm Delhi amid heavy deployment of police forces, recent videos have shown that their protest is again being hijacked by miscreants and anti-national elements just like the 2021 protest. In a recent video, a Nihang Sikh was seen waving his sword to security forces and patting his thigh in a provoking manner. Another was seen roaming around with a bow and arrow. Also, a poster of Bhindranwale was spotted on a truck participating in the farmers' protest.


Even today, stones were pelted at security forces by miscreants during the farmers' protest. The tension between the protesting farmers and security forces persisted on the fourth day of the protest. Security personnel resorted to firing tear gas shells to scatter demonstrators who were attempting to dismantle barricades at the Shambhu border near Ambala. CCTV footage released by the Haryana Police has implicated protesters in provocative actions. The footage appears to depict demonstrators encouraging a woman to approach the barricades, further escalating the already tense standoff.

The security forces deployed at the Shambhu Border continued to resist the agitating farmers attempting to enter the national capital as the protests entered the fifth day on Saturday. Hundreds of farmers and some journalists have been injured as the protestors clashed with the police many a time trying to break the multi-layer barricades.

The protesting farmers have been camping at the border points since the start of the March on Tuesday, February 13. A third round of talks with the central government ended in a stalemate on Thursday, amid the standoff between the protestors and security personnel on the Punjab-Haryana border. The 'Delhi Chalo' march call has been given by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (Non-Political) and the Kisan Mazdoor Morcha to press the BJP-led Centre to accept their demands.