New Delhi: The CBSE 10th result was declared today afternoon. The students who appeared for the CBSE Board Class 10 exam 2018 can check their result on the official website of the CBSE Board - The National Information Centre (NIC) will also host the result on Other websites that will show the CBSE Class 10 results 2018 are - Google search page, Bing search page, SMS Organizer app and UMANG app.


The names of the toppers are - Prakhar Mittal (DPS Gurgaon), Rimzhim Agarwal (RP Public School Bijnor), Nandini Garg (Scottish International School Shamli) and Sreelakshmi G (Bhavan's Vidyalaya Kochi).

The examinations were conducted between March 5 to April 4, 2018.

Here is how to check CBSE Class 10 Results 2018:

- Log on to the official websites of the board.

- Click on the link 'class 10 exam results'.

- Enter roll number and other required details.

- Click on submit.

Candidates are advised to download their results and take a printout of the same for future reference. 

CBSE was founded on November 3, 1962. Its primary function includes preparing academic programmes and organising examinations, especially for Class 10 and Class 12 students.