With the Punjab Police, in coordination with central agencies and the Delhi Police, having arrested the second perpetrator of the grenade blast in Chandigarh within 72 hours, the probe on Sunday revealed US-based wanted gangster Harpreet Singh - alias Happy Passia - who is working on the behest of Pakistan-based Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) terrorist Harvinder Singh - alias Rinda - and the ISI, handled the accused by providing explosives, weapons, and logistical support.


“Following leads generated through various sources, second perpetrator Vishal Masih of Gurdaspur district has been arrested from Delhi,” Director General of Police (DGP) Gaurav Yadav said. On Wednesday evening, two individuals executed the grenade blast in Chandigarh’s upscale Sector 10.

Since the incident indicated a terror crime, Punjab Police and the central agencies acted and arrested accused Rohan Masih on Friday along with a weapon and ammunition. Masih is presently on remand with the State Special Operation Cell of Amritsar.

DGP Yadav said the investigation has revealed that Happy Passia provided the accused with explosives, weapons and logistical support through his local associates in Punjab and also arranged some financial backing for them.

After committing the crime, the duo came to Amritsar and subsequently parted their ways, he said, while adding Vishal first went to Jammu and Kashmir and then moved to Delhi when police teams apprehended him.

“The probe also revealed that Happy Passia initially provided funds to entice the individuals involved, with the promise of a substantial payment upon the successful execution of the criminal plan. After completing the task, both the accused contacted Happy Passia for promised rewards, only to be met with initial evasion and eventual radio silence,” he said.

The DGP, while highlighting the exploitative nature of these anti-national elements, urged the youth to beware of these deceitful terrorist handlers who use and discard vulnerable individuals with false promises.

Notably, this same pattern of betrayal by foreign handlers has been observed in previous investigations as well, wherein such handlers initially lure the innocent local youth with false promises and later abandon them once the act is done.

Sharing more details about the grenade blast case, Assistant Inspector General (AIG) Sukhminder Singh Mann said in-depth investigations in this case are being conducted in coordination with the Chandigarh Police to uncover the entire conspiracy and local network of Happy Passia. Police teams have procured the remand of accused Vishal Masih till September 20, he added.