SOLAPUR: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched BJP's Lok Sabha campaign in Maharashtra and launched a scathing attack on the Congress, accusing it of corruption and warned that "this Chowkidar (watchman) will never sleep and continue to catch thieves".


"Should the `chowkidar` go ahead courageously or not? He never sleeps. However dark it may be, he goes to catch thieves. It is your blessings which gives him the strength to do this and he (chowkidar) will continue undeterred in the fight against graft. He will make them accountable for every paise belonging to the country," Modi said at a public rally in Solapur.

"Those who believed that power was their `dynastic right` are now in the docks facing various corruption charges, ranging from tax evasion to commissions in defence deals. Our government has stopped all this. They are panicky and trying to scare me," he added.

The prime minister remarked that the deportation of James Christian Michel had revealed many shocking truths and there are reports that Michel was also lobbying for fighter jets made by other companies.

"Now, we have to investigate how the Congress is involved in all this. They are spreading lies about me and trying to scare me, but this is Modi and he is made of different material altogether," PTI quoted Modi as saying.

The prime minister also talked about the upper castes quota bill passed on Tuesday by the Lok Sabha, terming it a "historic decision".

"Lies were being spread that the reservations available to Dalits, tribals and OBCs were sought to be removed... by those playing `minority quota politics`. But we have ensured that none of these are disturbed and given an additional 10 percent. This is a fitting reply to those spreading canards," said Modi.

Before addressing the rally in Solapur, the prime minister laid the foundation stones for a 30,000 unit housing project for the poor and a project aimed at improving water supply and sanitation under the Area Based Development of Solapur Smart City. He also inaugurated a 58-km long stretch of the National Highway No 52 linking Solapur-Tuljapur-Osmanabad.