JAIPUR: Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma on Saturday said that Congress has been in government the most in the last 70 years since independence, making "owners of the country beggars as the beggars became prosperous". "Whenever elections come, the Congress spreads lies, wants to divide people on the basis of caste and religion," he said while addressing an election rally in JhunjhunuJhunjhunu assembly constituency where bypoll will be held on November 13. He was seeking votes for party candidate Rajendra Bhamboo.


He said that the BJP came to power in Rajasthan 11 months ago and started working on the promises made in the election manifesto from day one. "Congress has been in power for most of the 70 years but Congress made the owners of the country beggars and those who were beggars became prosperous.
"You, the owners of the country, wake up and identify who can do good for you," he said.

The CM said that the state government will fulfill all the promises made to the people. "BJP does what it says." "We formed SIT for paper leak cases after coming to power. Today, about 200 people who are accused in paper leak cases are in jail," he said.

BJP state president Madan Rathore, also part of the rally, said that the party is committed to welfare of the people and the development of the state and the nation.