Prayagraj: A Police Sub Inspector Sumit Anand has been suspended and departmental action has been inititated against him after he crushed vegetables of sellers with his jeep, at a bi-weekly market in Ghoorpur on Thursday. 


The police officer was enraged at the vegetable sellers for not complying with his order to leave the spot.

Prayagraj SSP Satyarth Anirudh Pankaj on Friday said that police officers have assessed the loss of the sellers and they are being reimbursed.

"The market was scheduled to be held on Wednesdays and Fridays. When it was held on Thursday, he asked sellers to leave. But when he felt they are not listening and hooting instead, he did this. Our officer assessed loss of the sellers, they are being reimbursed," he said.

Uttar Pradesh Government in its latest coronavirus-induced lockdown guidelines has allowed weekly markets in rural areas. However, weekly markets in urban areas are not be allowed.