New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Tuesday (April 21) that a total of 2,081 coronavirus cases, including 431 recovered and 47 deaths, have been reported in Delhi. He said there are 1,603 active cases, adding that a total of 1,397 samples were sent for testing on Monday, out of which 84 were found COVID-19 positive.


Kejriwal said, "We have analysed the deaths and found that 80 per cent people who lost their lives to coronavirus were above 50 years while 83 per cent people had co-morbidity," adding that the government will provide ration to 30 lakh people who do not have ration cards.

Addressing media online, he said the Delhi government is giving free ration to about one crore people, rationing half of the population of Delhi. All Delhi MLAs and MPs will be given 2000 food coupons to facilitate ration for people in their constituencies, he added.

Delhi CM said that 1397 samples were taken on Monday, in which 78 cases were found positive, adding that 80% of the people who succumbed to COVID-19 were above 50 years, and those who died, 83% had some other disease.

He, however, said that from next month, every family will be given ration along with the basic kit.

Kejriwal said that instructions have been given to purchase 60 new ambulances, adding that from tomorrow morning testing centre for journalists will commence where all scribes can go there for the same. 

Notably, Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan today wrote to the Health Departments of all states/UTs to ensure adequate availability of blood in blood banks, particularly for people who require regular blood transfusion with blood disorders.

Notably, a total number of COVID-19 positive cases rise to 18,985 in India including 15,122 active cases, 3,260 cured/discharged/migrated people and 603 deaths. In the last 24 hours, the country has witnessed 1,329 new cases and 44 additional deaths have been reported, said Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Earlier in the day, Delhi Lieutenant Governor (LG) Anil Baijal conducted a surprise inspection at three shelter homes in the capital to see that basic amenities are being provided to these migrant workers.

Baijal, along with Delhi Division Commissioner Sanjeev Khirwar, DUSIB CEO Vijay Anand and 10 other senior officers inspected the shelter homes of Ludlow Castle School Raj Niwas Road, Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya Civil Lines, and Katra Maula Bux Roshanara Road.