Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday lit the ‘Victory Flame’ from National War Memorial in Delhi, which would pass through 11 towns and cities before its final culmination at Drass in Jammu and Kashmir. At Drass, the flame will be merged with the eternal flame at the ‘Kargil War Memorial’.


The government said in a press release that 20th anniversary of victory in Operation Vijay is being celebrated with the theme ‘Remember, Rejoice and Renew’.  The ‘Kargil Vijay Diwas’ celebrations will be celebrated from July 25-27 and will be organized at Drass and New Delhi. Numerous activities are being organized by the government from the first week of July as part of the build-up to the main event.

On Tuesday, the Indian Army had recreated 'Operation Vijay' by undertaking a commemorative trek in honour of the martyrs in the Battle of Tiger Hill against Pakistan. The journey to Tololing Top was undertaken by 2 Rajputana Rifles. The trekking team of the 2 RAJRIF consisted of an Officer, a Junior Commissioned Officer and 12 Other Ranks. They were flagged off from Jaisalmer on June 22.

The Kargil conflict was one of the fiercest wars fought by the Indian Army after Independence. In 1999 May to July, Indian soldiers fought legendary battles in Dras, Kaksar, Batalik and Turtok Sectors in Jammu and Kashmir's Kargil to push back the Pakistan Army from the icy heights and win the war. Several key battles were fought and won by brave Indian soldiers in the span of two months and tough peaks were recaptured by many of who made the supreme sacrifice to serve the nation. Known as Operation Vijay, the war started after Pakistani soldiers disguised as Kashmiri terrorists infiltrated into the Indian side of the Line of Control.