Divy Ashwinbhai Trivedi is a name which has become synonymous when it comes to any kind of social service. From Swacch Baharat Abhiyaan to women empowerment, this man has done it all.


We look at India as one of the most populated country, but Trivedi looks at it as a country with the biggest youth which will increase India's worth much more in the coming years.

If you're not aware about Divy, this man is a name everyone is extremely well versed within Gujrat & Gandhinagar for his numerous social activities. 

One would find happiness in various materialistic pleasures but Divy's happiness would lay in helping the people and bringing a positive change slowly and spreading this across India. His achievements have also been noticed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the PM has used his name as an example to ignite the fire to bring a positive change within people in his rally.

One of his projects which was a talk of the town is the Mega Brahmin Business Summit 1 & 2 because the objective was not to just benefit the Brahmin community but weave human emotions together with love. In the first summit 5795 people apart from the Brahmin community got employment and in the second one 8100 people got employment and this was a historical moment for all. 

Trivedi holds the position of Managing Director at Trivedi Associates, Brand Ambassador for the Amateur India Fashion Council, National Secretary for the South Asian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Vice President of the World Book of Records, Director of Vakradanta Management Consultants Pvt LTD and General Secretary for International Brahmin Parliament.

With great power comes great responsibility and Divy has ensured to be a responsible citizen and dedicate his life to the nation selflessly. Kudos to his hard work and untamed power to make the world a better place.

(This is a brand desk content)