Washington: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday lauded External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj for helping Indians in distress in any corner of the world.


Addressing the Indian dispora in Virginia, PM Modi said, "Social media has become a very powerful. I am also connected with it. But the External Affairs Ministry and Sushma Swaraj have set the best example of how a department can be strengthened through its use."

PM Modi lauded Swaraj for giving a "human face" to diplomacy and effectively using of social media in delivering good governance. He said the External Affairs Ministry is now connected with the poorest of the poor in the country.

"The way Sushma Swaraj has worked and helped every Indian abroad is commendable. It is now well known in India that when anyone in trouble tweets to Sushma, she promptly replies and the government takes prompt action," Modi said while interacting with the Indian diaspora here.

"If any Indian in distress tweets from anywhere in the world to the External Affairs Ministry, even at two in the night, within 15 minutes Sushma Swaraj replies to it, the government takes prompt action and delivers results. This is good governance," Modi said.

He said in the last three years, India's External Affairs Ministry has achieved new heights in human diplomacy.

Urging the Indian diaspora to "keep the bridge with India", Modi said that the younger generations of Indians must be kept aware. "Keep the bridge with India. Your younger generations must continue your strong bond with India," the Prime Minister told the Indian diaspora.