Kolkata: In a tragic incident, a fire broke out in an eight-storey residential building in Kolkata's Ganesh Chandra Avenue on Friday night (October 16, 2020). The fire killed two-person including a 12-year-old child who jumped from the building.


Around 10:15pm, the fire was first reported in the meter box room housed in the first floor of the building at 21, Ganesh Chandra Avenue. Later, the fire spread to other parts of the building. 

Since the meter box room was located adjacent to the single entry-exit point of the building, several residents of the building were trapped. 

A 12-year-old boy jumped off the third floor in panic when the fire broke out. He was rushed to the Calcutta Medical College and Hopsital where he died later of serious injuries.

“A 12-year-old boy died after falling off the third floor. We are yet to ascertain whether he jumped in fear or he fell off amidst the fire when the entire building was engulfed in thick smoke. Another elderly woman was found dead in the bathroom during the evacuation,” said Sujit Basu, Minister, Fire and Emergency Services Department. 

On receiving information that several are feared to be trapped inside, officials of Kolkata Police, Disaster Management Group and Fire and Emergency Services Department rushed to the spot and began rescue and evacuation operations. 

As many as 25 fire tenders and hydraulic ladders were pressed into service. 

Almost after 5-6 hours of fire fighting, the fire was brought under control and by morning the fire was completely doused. Later, cooling off process began to spot any pocket fires.