BHARATPUR: Former BJP Lok Sabha MP Krishnendra Kaur allegedly slapped Gajraj Singh, a police constable in Rajasthan’s Bharatpur on Friday. According to reports, Kaur got into an altercation with the police constable on Friday at around 7 pm. What happened was that the BJP leader had parker has car in the middle of the road and when the police constable on duty told her to move the car, she began abusing him. 


Later, she got down from the car and slapped the police constable, according to his statement. There were two other people in the car with Kaur. 

“Her driver and the others also abused me. I informed in-charge Parbhu Dayal and higher officials about the incident, after which I filed a case against Kaur,” Singh said. His claims were corroborated by head constable Hakim Singh who was present at the scene. He also alleged that the former lawmaker had assaulted and misbehaved with the constable when she was asked to move her vehicle.

Krishnendra Kaur is an eminent politician in Rajasthan. She belongs to the Bharatpur Royal Family. 

(With ANI inputs)