Pulwama: The Jammu and Kashmir Police on Sunday (March 13) arrested four active associates affiliated with the Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM) outfit in the Pulwama district of south Kashmir. 


“During the investigation of a case FIR number 50 and 51 of 2022 of P/S Pulwama, it was established that 4 youth were actively associated with the JeM outfit providing logistic, transportation and other facilities for commission of militant acts”, a police statement said.

The accused have been identified as Imtiyaz Ahmad Rather, a resident of Chewa Kallan, Naseer Ahmad Malik (Madrasa Administrator), a resident of Wasoora, Rayees Ahmad, a resident of Khanpora Newa and Yawar Rashid Ganai of Gudoora Pulwama.

“It is pertinent to mention that on 12-03-2022 two militants of banned outfit JeM were killed in an operation at Chewa Kallan and one militant was apprehend alive”, the police further said. 

Investigation is underway, the J&K police added. 

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