Ghaziabad: Two dreaded criminals wanted in dozens of cases lodged across the NCR region were killed in separate encounters in the early hours on Saturday, police said. Senior Superintendent of Police Muniraj G said, "Avneesh, alias Billoo Dujana, was surrounded by a police team in the Indirapuram police station area around 4 am. The accused was on a bike and opened fire on seeing the police team. He was injured in retaliatory firing."


Avneesh, who carried an award of Rs 1 Lakh on his head, succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.

A police constable, Sandeep, also got injured in the crossfire while SP (Crime) Deeksha Sharma and two other officials had a narrow escape.

The trio had bullets hit their bullet-proof jackets, according to police. They escaped unhurt. Over 27 criminal cases, including that murder and extortion, had been lodged against Dujana.

Hardly an hour later, two bike-borne criminals opened fire at a police team near a police check post under the Madhuban Bapudham police station area, some 15 kilometers away.

The additional police force was called to the spot that surrounded the area.

In the crossfire that ensued, one of the bikers received a gunshot injury.

Rakesh was taken to a hospital, where he died during treatment. The other accused managed to flee. A police constable, Neeraj, was injured.

Rakesh Dujana had been booked in 15 criminal cases, said the officer.