The ongoing political drama in Rajasthan reached its climax on Tuesday (July 14) with the Congress deciding to sack Sachin Pilot as the Rajasthan Deputy Chief Minister and the state party chief. Along with Pilot, two other Rajasthan ministers who had revolted against Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and supported Pilot have also been fired from the cabinet.


Former president of Sikar Congress Govind Singh Dotasra has been appointed as the new chief of Rajasthan Congress. Dotasra is also a Minister of State in CM Gehlot's cabinet. 

Govind Singh Dotasra was born on October1, 1964 in a village Kripa Ram Ki Dhani in Sikar District of Rajasthan. Dotasra is also an ex-Deputy Whip of congress in Rajasthan Legislative Assembly and he represents the Laxmangarh constituency of Sikar district of Rajasthan since 2008. He joined the Congress in 1981 and was appointed Chariman of Media and Communication Committee ahead of 2018 Assembly election in state. Dotasra is the Vice President of Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee since 2014 and has served as President of district Congress Committee, Sikar for 7 years. 

He was also a member of the 13th Rajasthan Legislative Assembly from 2008 to 2013 in Ashok Gehlot Government. Dotasra was also elected as a Pradhan of Panchyat Samiti Laxmangarh, Sikar in 2005. He is an active member of congress party from 1981 by joining NSUI and in July 2011 he got an opportunity to work as a District President of Congress Party. Dotasra also represented India in 24th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar in Singapore in 2013.

The decision to sack Pilot was announced by Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjeawal during a press conference. The Congress decided to show the door to Tonk MLA after he skipped a second meeting of Congress Legislative Party on Tuesday in Jaipur.

“Congress made Sachin Pilot a Union minister in his 30s, a deputy chief minister in his 40s..We have given Sachin Pilot many opportunities. He has been an MP, MoS and a state party president. I am sad that Sachin Pilot and some of his colleagues have fallen for a trap laid by the BJP...This is unacceptable,” said Surjewala.

The political crisis in Rajasthan started on Sunday (July 12) after Pilot raised the banner of revolt against CM Gehlot and sent a message to the party that he may quit the party with this loyalist MLAs. Pilot claimed in some interviews that he has the support of over 30 MLAs.