New Delhi: Congress leader and MP Rahul Gandhi on Saturday said there was a huge undercurrent against the BJP across the country and the opposition should coordinate properly in order to fight against the ruling party in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. Addressing a press conference in Delhi, the Wayanad MP said, "I can give this in writing that Congress is going to sweep the Madhya Pradesh elections. BJP will be seen nowhere. I can guarantee this to you. Every person in MP knows that BJP has formed its government using money." The Wayanad MP said that he considers the Bharatiya Janata Party as his 'guru' (teacher) as the BJP shows him a roadmap and teaches him ''what should never be done."


"I want them (BJP) to attack us aggressively, this will help Congress party understand its ideology," Rahul said. He sought mutual respect between opposition leaders and the Congress in taking on the BJP, which has been completely dominating the country's political space.

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"If the opposition stands effectively with a vision, it will become very difficult for the BJP to win elections. But the opposition has to coordinate effectively and the opposition has to go to the people with an alternative vision," Gandhi said.

While talking about the Bharat Jodo Yatra, which entered New Delhi on December 24 before taking a nine-day break, he said, "When I started this, I just took it as an ordinary yatra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Slowly we understood that this yatra has a voice & feelings." 

"The doors of Bharat Jodo Yatra are open for everyone, we are not going to stop anyone from joining us. Akhilesh ji, Mayawati ji and others want "Mohabbat ka Hindustan"," he said in an open invite to the other parties of the opposition ahead of the 2024 general elections.

Spelling out his vision, Gandhi said India should emerge as a "production nation" instead of a "rent-seeking" nation. It should have an education policy that allowed children to give wings to their imagination and look beyond careers in medicine, engineering, civil services and law, he added.

He also spoke about a clear foreign policy, unlike a "confused" policy pursued by the government, and greater economic equality. Gandhi said he was in favour of large businesses as they had a central role in the economy, but the same should not be controlled by "two-three persons".

The Bharat Jodo Yatra will resume on January 3 and enter Uttar Pradesh after which it will proceed to Haryana, Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir.

(With agency inputs)