New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday said he was "the darling of the people" and alleged that the BJP was troubled by the love he was getting. Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party have come in for fierce criticism ahead of elections to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi and the Gujarat Assembly with BJP leaders calling it "the most corrupt party".


"Before Punjab (Assembly) elections, PM (Narendra Modi) said Kejriwal is a terrorist. Home Minister (Amit Shah) set up an inquiry. What happened to it? Now, before Gujarat and the MCD polls, they are saying Kejriwal is corrupt. If Kejriwal is a terrorist or is corrupt, arrest him, no?" Kejriwal said in a tweet in Hindi.

"Kejriwal is neither a terrorist nor corrupt. Kejriwal is 'janta ka laadla' (darling of the people). The BJP has a problem with him."

The 250-ward Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) goes to polls on December 4 while counting will take place on December 7.

The BJP, which has governed the civic bodies in Delhi since 2007, is pitted against a resurgent Aam Aadmi Party and the Congress. In the 2017 civic body polls, the BJP had won 181 of the 270 wards. No polling could be held on two seats due to the death of candidates. The Aam Aadmi Party had won 48 wards, while the Congress managed to win 27.

Earlier this year, the Centre unified the city's three municipal corporations under the MCD and reduced the total number of wards to 250 from 272.