New Delhi: Addressing a ceremony for the martyrs of the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War on Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "There is one thought in South Asia which breeds, inspires and encourages terrorism”, an indirect reference to Pakistan's support to terror outfits.


“The thought whose priority is not humanity, but extremism and terrorism," he added, without naming Pakistan, PTI reported.

"I am very clear that along with India, its neighbouring countries should also move ahead on the path of development. 

"We want development of the entire region. But there is a mentality in South Asia against this mindset. 

"A mindset that promotes terrorism, which has a value system which is not based on humanity, but on violence and extremism," the PM said. 

PM Modi was accompanied by visiting Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the function.

"This mentality is the biggest challenge to peace, social harmony and development. This mentality obstructs development in whole region," Modi said.

Earlier in the day, both leaders have witnessed the signing of as many as 22 bilateral agreements, covering defence, civil nuclear cooperation, train and bus services, trade cooperation, among others.

India has also extended a credit of 500 million dollars to Bangladesh military.

"India has always stood for the prosperity of Bangladesh and its people. We are a long-standing and trusted development partner for Bangladesh.

“India and Bangladesh are also determined that the fruits of our cooperation must reach our people," PM Modi said at the joint press conference.

PM Modi and his Bangladeshi counterpart also held extensive discussion on ways to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries.