New Delhi: Security forces on Wednesday (October 26, 2022) said that they foiled an infiltration bid by terrorists along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir and killed one foreign terrorist. A PoK national card and Pakistani currency were recovered from the slain terrorist. The identity card recovered from the body showed his identity as Mohammed Mashkoor, a resident of PoK. Incriminating materials including arms and ammunition were also recovered from him and a search operation is currently underway in the area, police said.


"An infiltration bid was foiled in the Sadpura area of Tangdhar by a joint team of Police and 3/8 Gorkha Rifles," a police officer said.

"One unidentified terrorist has been killed so far in the gunfight as a search operation continues in the area," the officer said.

More details are awaited.