Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir government on Saturday (May 22) has extended the “corona curfew” across 20 districts till May 31. An official statement said that the lockdown will be strictly imposed however a few essential services are exempted.


“Corona Curfew imposed in all 20 districts of J&K till 7 am on Monday,24/5/21 is extended further till 7 am on Monday,31/5/21,” reads a tweet by the government on DIPR handle.

 “Curfew will be strict except for a few essential services,” the tweet reads further, adding, “DCs being given limited flexibility to ensure economic activities do not suffer.” It further reads 

On April 29 2021, the administration imposed a curfew in 11 districts to control the surge in Covid-19 cases, which was subsequently extended to all the 20 districts the next day till May 24. 
The corona curfew across Jammu and Kashmir has been extended by a week in the wake of a surge in Covid cases.

On Friday 3848 new Covid positive cases were reported in Jammu and Kashmir including 1442 from Jammu and 2406 from the Kashmir division.

There were 43 Covid deaths also reported in the Union Territory on Saturday including 27 from the Jammu region and 16 from the Kashmir division.

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