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JKBOSE 10th result 2021-2022 online: Download results from www.jkbose.nic; Simple process here
JKBOSE 10th result 2021-2022: Students can now download their results from jkbose.nic.in. The results for the 10th class students for Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) were declared at around 4.30 pm today. The students can now check their results by using valid credentials like name and roll number by logging in to the official website jkbose.nic.in.
JKBOSE 10th result 2021-2022: Students can now download their results from jkbose.nic.in. The results for the 10th class students for Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) were declared at around 4.30 pm today. The students can now check their results by using valid credentials like name and roll number by logging in to the official website jkbose.nic.in.
Meanwhile, it was reported by students that the official website (jkbose.nic.in) crashed due to heavy online traffic flow. In case students are facing technical glitches at the webiste, they are advised to refer to third party websites or try refreshing the homepage of jkbose nic in.
JKBOSE 10th result 2021: Simple steps to download results from jkbose.nic.in:
- Log on to official website of Jammu and Kashmir Board State Board of School Education - jkbose.nic.in.
- Simply click on the ‘Result’ Section
- Click on the Kashmir Division Option.
- Here you will see 'JKBOSE 10th Result 2021', click on this option
- You will be directed to a new window
- Enter credential: Roll number, name etc
- Click submit
- Your result will be here on the screen.
- Save, Download the result and take a printout of it for future reference.
More about Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education(JKBOSE)
As per the information available on jkbose.nic.in, "the Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education was established in 1975 under The Jammu and Kashmir State Board OF School Education Act, 1975 to advise the Government on matters of policy relating to Elementary Education, Secondary Education and Higher Secondary Education and other matters pertaining to promotion of Education for All."
The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education(JKBOSE):
1. Secure that education should relate intimately to the development of potentialities of the youth, to the national needs and to the aspirations of the people;
2. Discover talent and nurture it;
3. Promote equality of opportunity by providing necessary facilities;
4. Help generally to raise the standard of living and productivity of the State and achieve closer and willing participation of the people in a democratic process ;
5. Regulate, control and develop education in the State of Jammu and Kashmir up to the Higher Secondary level by providing varied courses with a view to equipping pupils for different occupations, for education in the universities and other cultural purposes and to examine candidates and to award certificates to successful candidates and doing all other things incidental thereto.