HYDERABAD: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has been provided the Y-plus security cover after her father requested the Himachal Pradesh government for her safety, Union Minister of State for Home G Kishan Reddy said. He said according to Kangana's father, the actress was responding to social issues which caused 'heartburn' to some people in Maharashtra.


"Kangana's father wrote a letter to the Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur. He also met the CM and submitted a memorandum that his daughter was being subjected to harassment. Based on his request, the Himachal CM informed the Centre about the situation, Reddy was quoted as saying by PTI.

The decision to provide the security cover was taken after several Shiv Sena leaders threatened Kangana to not to return to Mumbai following her controversial 'PoK' remark. 

Kangana was given Y-plus category security and is protected by about 10 armed commandos round-the-clock after she and some of the Maharashtra politicians indulged in a bitter war of words over the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput in June and also other issues.

The 'Manikarnika' actress, often in the news for her provocative statements, is locked in a public spat with the Shiv Sena, which heads the ruling coalition in the state, after she drew comparision of Mumbai to 'Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir', that irked the ruling party in the state. 

On September 9, Kangana's office at Pali Hill in Bandra faced action and a portion of it was demolished with a bulldozer and excavators
for 'illegal alterations' by Shiv Sena-led Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).