Bengaluru: The Karnataka government on Tuesday transferred IAS officer Rohini Sindhuri and IPS officer D. Roopa Moudgil without postings after a fight on social media over sharing private photos. D Roopa's IAS husband Munish Moudgil has also been transferred. Earlier too, both women had indulged in a public spat, and had been involved in controversies separately too in their official capacities. The issue this time began with Roopa taking to social media alleging several "wrongdoings" of Sindhuri. She also made personal remarks, accusing Sindhuri of misconduct and released personal pictures of her alleging that it was shared by her with a few male officers.


Terming the allegations as baseless, Sindhuri alleged Roopa is making such comments against her out of personal hatred, and was behaving as if she had lost her mental balance.

Sindhuri said she will take legal and other actions with appropriate authorities for Roopa's actions amounting to misconduct and criminal offences under various sections of the Indian Penal Code.

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Both the officers had lodged complaints and counter complaints against each other with the Chief Secretary of the government Vandita Sharma. The matter was also discussed in the cabinet meeting held on Monday. The ministers had raised their concern about the public fight of officers affecting the image of the government.

Later speaking to reporters, she said, "Roopa is making baseless allegations against me, I had come to complain regarding it to the Chief Secretary. I have given the complaint and sought for action.

Roopa is an IPS officer, her work jurisdiction has nothing to do with mine, she belongs to a different service, but still she has been repeatedly making allegations on social media regarding my professional life."

Stating that she is not on social media for her own reasons, she said she can't be responding to all the allegations there, and also doesn't think that it is a platform also.