Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel today slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) amid the allegations of him being involved in the Mahadev app scam. Talking to reporters, Baghel said that no action was taken and the app was allowed to function as the BJP leaders had already received kickbacks from the promoters of the app. He also said that while BJP leaders are themselves involved in the scam, they accuse Congress of the same.


On the question of Mahadev app main accused's photo with BJP leader Kamal Singh, CM Baghel said, "They do this all wrongdoings and blame others. They have a relationship with them, they are their (accused) friends. A BJP councillor is his close friend. I have said earlier as well that if the Mahadev app is being operated from abroad, why was it not closed? Second, when a lookout circular was issued, why was he not arrested? This means that your deal (len-den) with them is complete," said Baghel.

The chief minister further said that it's the Chhattisgarh government that took the most stringent action against those involved in the scam. "Our government has made 450 arrests, seized their property, laptops, and mobiles besides registering several dozens of FIRs. No action bigger than this was taken anywhere in the country. Now, the pot is calling the kettle black. Had we been involved, why would we take action? They (BJP) are involved in this," said Baghel.

Baghel further questioned how so much money was brought from abroad and what was the customs doing. 

Earlier, addressing a rally in Chhattisgarh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had indirectly accused CM Baghel of receiving money from the accused. PM Modi's allegations came after the Enforcement Directorate, which is probing the case, said that according to fresh evidence following a search operation on November 2, it has come to light that regular payments have been made in the past and so far around Rs 508 crore has been paid by Mahadev App Promoters to Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel.