Kolkata: Standalone shops selling foreign, IMFL, and country spirits in green, orange and red zones, except in containment areas in West Bengal will remain functional from 12 noon to 7 pm, a guideline issued by the state government stated. The government has, howver, disallowed liquor shops located in shopping complexes or malls, or hotel-restaurant-cum-bars to open. 


According to the notification issued, those customers wearing masks will be sold liquor and social distancing norm has to be strictly followed. There should be a distance of 6 feet between two customers in the queue. The authorities also asked the licensees to provide hand sanitizer to customers at the time of transaction.

The government also encouraged home delivery of liquor to minimise footfall at the shops. The order allowed the display of fresh MRP of bottles outside shops. According to one of the licensees, the move will allow them to sell their old stock at new prices.

Earlier in the day, long queues were seen outside liquor shops in various parts of the state today. People thronged to buy liquor as wine shops re-opened after a 40-day lockdown period. In order to maintain law and order and social distancing, the police shut several shops and asked people to go back to their homes.

In an apparent bid to shore up revenues, the West Bengal government last month decided to impose 30 per cent sales tax on wine and beer. The duty would be applicable to the existing stock.