New Delhi: Prime Minister and BJP senior leader Narendra Modi mocked opposition parties during his Lok Sabha rally at Uttar Pradesh's Amroha on Friday. Modi allegedly said that the INDIA Bloc member is busy abusing the Ram Mandir and Sanatana faith.


PM Modi accused Congress and SP of abusing Ram Mandir and disrespecting Sanatana Dharma. He said that these people have rejected the invitation for the Pran Pratistha of Lord Ram Temple in Ayodhya. 

"The Congress candidate from here has difficulty even saying 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai'. When Ram temple was built in Ayodhya, both SP and Congress parties rejected the invitation for Pran Patishtha. These people are abusing Ram Mandir and Sanatana faith every day" Modi said.

Addressing the recent issue PM Modi lambasted the leaders of the Samajwadi party for calling the Ram devotees hypocrites. "On Ram Navami, a grand Surya Tilak of Lord Ramlala has been done. Today, when the whole country is filled with the devotion of Lord Ram, the people of Samajwadi Party publicly call the devotees of Lord Ram as hypocrites," Modi said while addressing the public rally.

Initially, PM Modi took a jibe at the opposition and said at they again the shooting of a film starring two princes was rejected by the people of Uttar Pradesh. "Every time these people set out to ask for votes from the people of UP carrying the basket of nepotism, corruption and appeasement. In their campaign, these people leave no opportunity to attack our faith" Modi added.