Union Home Minister Amit Shah unveiled the Bharatiya Janata Party's manifesto for the upcoming Jharkhand elections in Ranchi today. Shah arrived in the state capital last night. He introduced the ‘sankalp patra,’ which details 25 pledges symbolising 25 years since Jharkhand’s formation. 


At the launch of the BJP’s manifesto in Jharkhand, Shah launched a scathing attack at Chief Minister Hemant Soren, saying that women and tribal communities are unsafe under the ruling JMM’s regime.  

Amit Shah blamed Hemant Soren for ‘infiltrators surge in Jharkhand’, saying, “During Hemant Soren's government, the tribals of Jharkhand are not safe. The number of tribals in Santhal Pargana is decreasing at an alarming rate. Infiltrators are coming here and luring our daughters into marrying them and occupying their land. 

He further emphasised that the BJP is moving forward with the slogan "Roti, Beti, Maati" to ensure the security of Jharkhand’s pride and identity that the Hemant Soren-led government has failed to do. 

The union minister credited former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee for creating the identity of state and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for driving its growth. He claimed that Chief Minister Hemant Soren’s government, which took over five years ago, stalled many initiatives started by Modi's administration. "Our former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee created Jharkhand," Shah stated, "and Prime Minister Modi focused on developing it."  

The Congress party was not spared from Home Minister's sharp attacks, "Whenever I speak about the 'Sankalp Patra,' it's clear that the BJP stands apart from other political parties. The BJP is the only party in the country that truly delivers on its promises. Every time we've come to power, whether at the Centre or in the states, we've made good on our commitments,” Amit Shah added. 

Jharkhand BJP's Poll Manifesto

Union Home Minister Amit Shah announced that if the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is elected to power in Jharkhand, it will generate 500,000 job opportunities, including 287,000 government positions. The party presented 25 resolutions to commemorate 25 years since the state's establishment. Notably, the "Gogo Didi" scheme is set to provide women with a monthly allowance of ₹2,100. 

"Our government will introduce UCC in Jharkhand but tribals will be kept out of its ambit. The JMM government is making false propaganda that UCC will impact tribal rights and culture, which is totally baseless as they will be kept out of its ambit," Shah said in Ranchi. 

The state’s 81-member Assembly election will be held in two phases, scheduled for November 13 and 20, with the vote counting and results set for November 23.