The Delhi Police has formed multiple teams to identify camps which are allegedly gathering personal details of women in the name of Mahila Samman Yojana, a senior official said on Sunday. The move comes after Delhi Lt Governor V K Saxena ordered an inquiry against private persons allegedly collecting personal details of women in the name of enrolling them for the proposed scheme of the ruling AAP in Delhi. "There are 15 police districts in Delhi. We have ordered senior officers to form teams and investigate the entire matter properly. Teams will coordinate and work under the close supervision of DCPs," the senior police officer said.


Saxena ordered the inquiry based on a complaint by Congress leader and party's New Delhi Assembly seat candidate Sandeep Dikshit, who recently met Saxena. In a letter addressed to the chief secretary and police commissioner, LG's principal secretary had said, "Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor has desired the Chief Secretary to get an inquiry conducted through Divisional Commissioner in the matter of collection of personal details and forms by non-government people."

It said the police commissioner may direct the field officers to take action as per law against any person found breaching the privacy of citizens by collecting their personal details in the name of enrolling them for "benefits". AAP volunteers are allegedly registering women under the scheme.

On December 25, Congress leader Dikshit met the LG and expressed his apprehensions about the Mahila Samman Yojana, under which the AAP has promised to give every eligible woman aged above 18 Rs 1,000 per month.