No words were minced when Sushma Swaraj took on Pakistan in her speech at the United Nations General Assembly late Saturday night. Once again exposing Pakistan's support to terrorists and terror outfits, India's external affairs minister said that while the Osama Laden was found and killed there, UN-designated terrorist Hafiz Saeed roams free.


Referring to terrorism as a demon and highlighting the threat posed by it, Sushma pointed the accusatory finger at Pakistan and said the country pretends innocence even though it was found guilty of shielding bin Laden. "It was the US security forces that found and killed bin Laden in Pakistan. It is their capability which made it possible. It was Pakistan that sheltered and hid him but even after bin Laden was found and the truth uncovered, the country has no sense of remorse as if they have not done any wrong. While the mastermind of 9/11 attacks in New York is dead, mastermind of the 26/11 Mumbai attack remains free," she said.

(New Pakistan cast in the mould of old: India at UN)

Sushma said that Saeed has been given a long rope in Pakistan despite being a terrorist. "He holds rallies, gets representatives to fight elections and openly threatens India. And then we are accused of not being willing to talk to Pakistan. This is completely false," she said. "We firmly believe that the most difficult of issues in the world can be solved by talks. Each successive government in India tried to solve differences with talks but it has always come to a naught because of Pakistan's actions."

Sushma then went on to explain how Pakistan PM Imran Khan's desire for foreign ministers of both countries to meet in New York was received positively by India but barely hours later, three personnel of J&K Police were kidnapped and then killed and their bodies thrown away. "Do such acts reflect on their desire for talks?"

The strong takedown of Pakistan comes just a day after Islamabad had attempted to portray that it was India that was responsible for ignoring the peace process. The country has even attempted to raise the Kashmir matter at the UN yet again.