New Delhi: The adage 'failure is the pillar of success' resonates deeply with the journey of cracking the UPSC civil services exam. While there's a prevalent notion that only those endowed with academic brilliance can achieve this feat, the experiences of aspirants over the years have illuminated a different truth. They've shown that success is often forged through a combination of unwavering perseverance, unyielding dedication, and a tenacious spirit that refuses to succumb to setbacks.


One such remarkable story is that of IAS Anurag Kumar, hailing from the Katihar district of Bihar. Anurag's early education was marked by financial constraints, compelling him to attend a Hindi medium school until Class 8. Transitioning to an English medium school thereafter posed significant challenges, as he grappled with the language barrier. Yet, fueled by his determination, Anurag persisted, diligently applying himself to his studies and ultimately excelling in his Class 10 Board Exams with a commendable 90% score. His journey continued with remarkable achievements in his intermediate education, culminating in admission to the prestigious Shri Ram College of Commerce in Delhi.

However, it was during his undergraduate years that Anurag encountered his most profound lessons. Despite his best efforts, he faced academic setbacks, failing in several subjects during his first two years of graduation—a turning point that would redefine his path. Undeterred by this setback, Anurag resolved to redouble his efforts, channeling his energies into his studies and embarking on a journey of self-improvement.

It was during his post-graduation studies that Anurag made the pivotal decision to pursue his aspirations of cracking the UPSC exam. Armed with unwavering dedication and fortified by the lessons gleaned from past failures, he embarked on a rigorous preparation regimen.

His perseverance bore fruit when he secured an impressive All India Rank (AIR) of 677 in his inaugural attempt in 2017. Yet, fueled by an unrelenting pursuit of excellence, Anurag refused to rest on his laurels. Determined to realize his dream of becoming an IAS officer, he recommenced his preparations with renewed vigor.

In a testament to his resilience and resolve, Anurag achieved a remarkable AIR-48 in his subsequent attempt in the UPSC CSE 2018—an accomplishment that not only affirmed his capabilities but also cemented his status as an inspiration to countless aspirants.

Today, Anurag stands as a beacon of hope and perseverance, serving as the Assistant District Officer in Bettiah district and embodying the adage that success is often born from the crucible of failure, perseverance, and unwavering determination.