New Delhi: Former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav is "still critical" and is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, Medanta Hospital in Gurugram said on Tuesday (October 4, 2022). In the latest health bulletin, the hospital said that the Samajwadi Party patriarch is being treated by a "comprehensive team of specialists".


"Sh Mulayam Singh Ji, is still critical and admitted in the Intensive Care Unit of Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon and is being treated by a comprehensive team of specialists," the hospital said in a statement.

The 82-year-old has been under treatment at the hospital since August 22. He was admitted to the hospital in July as well, reports said.


His son Akhilesh Yadav, daughter-in-law Dimple Yadav and brother Shivpal Singh Yadav had visited the hospital on Sunday. 

Earlier on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Uttar Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also spoke to Akhilesh Yadav to enquire about his father's health. Sources said Modi assured Akhilesh Yadav that he would extend all possible help and assistance in the SP patriarch's treatment.