Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader Indresh Kumar on Tuesday said that India is strong enough to protect its land and the neighbouring countries should not consider India as weak.


Speaking to ANI, Kumar said, "Problems with China will continue, but India is strong enough to protect its land. The neighbour countries should not consider us as weak, India is a very strong country."

"I would suggest China and Pakistan come to India as friends or neighbours, they should not create violence here. Let us live with peace and Independence."

His remarks come after India and China held the 13th round of corps commander level talks in Moldo on the Chinese side of the LAC on Sunday to discuss military stand-off.

The Chinese Army has not agreed to the constructive suggestions given by the Indian Army to resolve the remaining friction points or areas along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and that is why the 13th round of talks concluded without any results, the Indian Army said in a statement on Monday. 

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