The Biju Janata Dal (BJD) has called for a six-hour bandh in Bhubaneswar on Tuesday, September 24. The party announced the shutdown in response to growing outrage over the assault of an Army Major and his fiancée, which has sparked widespread criticism of the Odisha police.


The controversy revolves around the alleged harassment of an Army Major and his fiancée, who had visited the Bharatpur police station to file a complaint regarding a road rage incident. Both were allegedly detained, with claims of physical assault against the officer and sexual abuse of the woman while in police custody. 

BJD leader Arun Kumar Sahoo, during a press briefing on Sunday, stated that the bandh would last from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Tuesday. The party intends to highlight what it describes as police brutality and demand justice for the victims.
BJD President Shocked by Incident

BJD vice-president Debi Prasad Mishra revealed that the party's decision for a bandh came after consultations with party president and Odisha Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik. According to Mishra, Patnaik is deeply disturbed by the incident and the way it has tarnished the state’s image.

"Our party president, Naveen Patnaik, is shocked over the incident. The custodial torture and sexual assault have shamed Odisha," Mishra said. He added that the bandh is a way to intensify the protest and press for accountability from the police.

 Demand for Judicial Probe

Patnaik has also called for a court-monitored Special Investigation Team (SIT) probe and a judicial inquiry into the matter. The BJD has submitted a memorandum to President Droupadi Murmu, seeking her intervention in the case. The party is demanding strict action against those responsible for the alleged mistreatment of the Army officer and his fiancée.

Allegations of Police Misconduct

The Army officer’s fiancée has alleged that she was sexually assaulted after being taken into custody. She also claims that the officer was illegally detained and subjected to physical abuse. The incident has triggered widespread outrage, leading to calls for an independent investigation to ensure justice.

The bandh is expected to disrupt daily life in Bhubaneswar on Tuesday, as the BJD continues to press for answers and action over what they describe as an appalling case of police misconduct.