Twitterati had a field day after Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan wrongly attributed a famous quote of Indian poet and Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore to Lebanese-American poet Khalil Gibran on Wednesday.


Tagore's inspirational quote goes as: “I slept and dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.” Sharing the quote, Khan writes, “Those who discover and get to understand the wisdom of Gibran's words, cited below, get to live a life of contentment.”

Within minutes, Twitterati spotted the gaffe and mercilessly trolled Khan. The tweet garnered over 23,000 likes, retweeted over 5,500 times and more than 2,000 people commented on it.

“They had Admissions on Donation in Oxford also Mr @ImranKhanPTI? BTW for you the very first five Words of this Gurudev Tagore’ quote are enough to learn “I slept and I dreamed” Keep on sleeping, Keep on Dreaming Captain,” tweeted Hindi poet Dr Kumar Vishvas.

"Mr Khan it doesn't hurt to Google a quote if you are not into reading. By copying a Tagore's quote and attributing it to Khalil Gibran, you are not only getting mocked but you are making a laughing stock of the country in the process! Please!" tweeted senior Pakistani journalist Murtaza Solangi. 

Khan's gaffe has grabbed the headlines in recent months. While visiting Iran in April, he had said Japan and Germany shared borders. He broke the diplomatic protocol at the opening ceremony of the SCO Summit when he sat down even as all other leaders, including Indian PM Narendra Modi, were standing. He was trolled online for this embarrassing gaffe.