HOUSTON: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday arrived in Houston, as he began his week-long visit to the US that will see him hold talks with President Donald Trump and also address the UNGA.


According to his itinerary for Saturday, Prime Minister Modi will head straight for a roundtable meeting with oil sector CEOs, and later for a brief interaction with the Indian diaspora and photo op with them.

On Sunday, he will attend the mega 'Howdy Modi' event that will see a 50,000 crowd of Indian diaspora gather. The event will also be attended by President Trump in a rare gesture.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was accorded a warm welcome by members of the Indian community as he arrived for the mega 'Howdy Modi!' event in which he will be joined by United States President Donald Trump and address over 50,000 Indian-Americans.

On the way to Houston, PM Modi's flight made a two-hour technical halt in Frankfurt early on Saturday morning where he was received by India's Ambassador to Germany, Mukta Tomar, and Consul General Pratibha Parkar.

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The 'Howdy Modi!' event on Sunday at the sprawling NRG Football Stadium in Houston will be the largest gathering ever for an elected foreign leader visiting the US, other than the Pope.

Trump's presence at the Houston event marks a new milestone, PM Modi had said in his departure statement ahead of his visit. 
This would be the first time a US President will attend an Indian-American community event with PM Modi and also the first time that Trump and Modi share a stage together. 

The event is the third meeting between the two leaders in three months, after the G-20 summit in Japan in June and the G-7 summit in France last month.