Bhubaneswar: Prime Minister Nadrendra Modi on Saturday visited Odisha and attended an event to mark the commencement of work in the Talcher Fertilizer Plant.


Addressing a public rally in Talcher, PM Modi said, "When BJP govt came to power in the centre, the work on fertiliser plants picked up speed. I ensure you that the construction of Talcher Fertiliser Plant will be completed in 36 months and I'll again come here to inaugurate it."

The Prime Minister spoke on various lengths including cleanliness and Triple Talaq.

He said, "I had urged CM Naveen Babu (Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik) that Odisha will be left behind in cleanliness. But today, when I have come here, I again urge Naveen Babu to give priority to cleanliness in Odisha for the health of the people here."

Speaking on Triple Talaq, PM Modi said,"hree days ago, the central govt took a decision that was needed since decades. The decision was on Triple Talaq. No one was ready to even talk about it due to the fear of losing votes. Now, it has been declared illegal."

He arrived in Bhubaneswar earlier in tha day and was received by CM Patnaik at the airport in Talcher.

Later in the day, the Prime Minister will inaugurate the local airport in Jharsuguda.

PM Modi will dedicate the Garjanbahal coal mines and the Jharsuguda-Barapali-Sardega rail link to the nation. 

He will also unveil a plaque to mark the commencement of coal production and transportation from Dulanga coal mines. 

(With inputs from PTI)