New Delhi: The Punjab government approved the recruitment of as many as 26,454 posts in various government departments including home, education, health, and power earlier this week. These posts will be filled on a regular basis, instead of on a contractual basis.   


The announcement was made after the meeting of the Council of Ministers, chaired by Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann. This decision aims at providing gainful employment opportunities to the state’s youth looking for employment avenues. 

With this announcement, the AAP government in the state has taken steps to fullfill another promise of theirs within 50 days of the swearing-in ceremony. 

Those interested in applying for these jobs need to note that they will be able to do so only online through the official website. Also, through this recruitment announcement, the government is looking to fill vacancies in 25 government departments. 

After the meeting, the cabinet also directed the departments to ensure transparent, fair and time-bound recruitment. Along with this, it has also been decided that interviews will not be conducted for Group C posts.

A spokesperson of the state government said, “The decision would go a long way in achieving the goal to provide employment. Besides, this step would also optimize the working of Government departments as they will start working with full human resource on hand and provide government jobs to the youth of the State on the other hand.” 

According to the reports, 67 posts will be filled in Agriculture Department, 218 in Animal Husbandry Department, 338 in Excise Department, 777 in Cooperation Department, 10,475 posts in Home Department, besides 6,452 posts in School Education Department.