New Delhi: Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi on Thursday launched a stinging attack on the Modi government and the RSS, accusing them of trying to change the Constitution, and urged all opposition parties to fight them unitedly.


"After independence, (Jawaharlal) Nehruji, (Sardar Vallabhbhai) Patelji, (B.R.) Ambedkarji all talked about one man, one vote system. They know well that till the time there is one man, one vote system in the country, till that time the country doesn`t belong to them," he told a "Save Composite Culture" conclave called by rebel Janata Dal-United leader Sharad Yadav here.

Gandhi said the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) was aware that with its ideology it would not win elections and that was the reason why they were placing their men in every institution — bureaucracy, media and universities.

"If we have to fight them, then we have to fight unitedly," he said.

He said Congressmen believe that they belong to the country and want to do something for it while the BJP and the RSS claim that this country belonged only to them.

Gandhi said that the RSS` most prominent leader during the independence movement wrote to the Britishers offering apologisies in return for freedom from prison.

"They pleaded for their freedom. None of the Congress leaders or leaders of the other parties except the RSS pleaded with the Britishers," he said.

He also accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the RSS of attacking from "behind".

 "They never attack from the front and they are champions in running away."

Referring to the stone pelting attack on his convoy in Gujarat, Gandhi said: "When the stones were thrown at my cavalcade and black flags were shown by BJP workers, I stopped there to speak with them. But soon after I got off my vehicle and went towards them, they ran away. And this is their quality."

Gandhi said the BJP had promised to create two crore jobs every year and give Rs 15 lakh to every household if it came to power but failed on these counts.