New Delhi: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai cried while watching a movie recently. In a tweet, he mentioned that he came out of the theater crying after watching a Kannada movie. The Karnataka Chief Minister had gone to watch '777 Charlie' on Monday evening. He cried when he saw the movie as after watching the movie, he remembered his pet dog 'Sunny'.


Basavaraj said, "There have been a lot of movies about dogs. But I've never seen a single film like this one of emotional and animal love before." Basavaraj further added, "Dogs express their emotions with their eyes. '777 Charlie' is a very good movie and everyone should watch. Dogs know how to love unconditionally."

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Kannada movie '777 Charlie' is about a dog. Directed by Kiranraj, the story of the film moves on to how a lonely man's life changes his pet. The Rakshit Shetty-starrer has already won the hearts of the audience. 


Karnataka Chief Minister's pet passed away in July 2021. That day, he tweeted emotionally with his friends burying his favourite pet. Seeing '777 Charlie', the Chief Minister was pained to think of his beloved pet.

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