New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday (November 13, 2021) called for an emergency meeting over the severe air quality situation in the national capital. Following the meeting the Delhi CM made some big announcements. 


Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal said, “for a week from Monday onwards, schools will be physically closed; to continue virtually so that children don't have to breathe polluted air.”

“Construction activities not to be allowed (between November 14-17),” Delhi CM added. 

The Delhi government also said that the offices, both government and private, will operate on work from home structure as far as possible. 

“Govt offices to operate from home (WFH) at 100% capacity for a week. Private offices to be issued an advisory to go for WFH option as much as possible,” said Arvind Kejriwal. 

These decisions were taken by the Delhi government in view of prevailing weather situation. "With no wind movement predicted between November 14 and 17, the air quality is expected to turn worse," the Delhi CM said.

Delhi governments’ action plan comes after the Supreme Court today termed the air pollution situation in Delhi and nearby regions as 'emergency' and suggested clamping a lockdown in the Capital city.

Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, Health Minister Satyendar Jain and Environment Minister Gopal Rai were also present at the meeting along with the Chief Secretary of Delhi. The pollution control measures and suggestions of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) were discussed at the meeting.

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